Understandably you might have some questions about this cookbook. I will do my best to answer most of them below. If you still have questions, feel free to contact me and I will do my best to address your concerns and answer your questions.

Q: What kind of recipes will I find in this book?

A: The recipes in this book are specifically developed for a fit food lover. In short, this food is as far from boring as we are from Mars!

Q: Is there a print version of this book?

A: Not yet, but we are working on it. Fierce Gourmet is available in most major formats for most digital readers.

Q: Do I have to know how to cook to use this book?

A: No, I am pretty sure my cat could cook from it if she had thumbs.

Q: Will I lose weight if I eat your food?

A: Yes, if you follow instructions properly and exercise.

Q: Do you have to be fit to benefit from this book?

A: No. My goal is to change the way people eat period. Fit or not.

Q: What if I have a question about a recipe and can’t find an answer on Google?

A: You can contact me through Facebook or Twitter.

Q: I don’t like some of the food in the recipes, what do I do?

A: My best response is: be adventurous. Pick a food that is as close as possible to the one in the recipe and make it. Then contact me and let me know what happened. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t. Regardless, we would all learn something.

Q: Where can I get your book?

A: The book is available on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Apple, Page Foundry, Baker & Taylor Blio, Baker- Taylor Axis 360, Flipkart, Oyster, and Scribd. You can also purchase this book here.

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