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10 K Training Guide

motivational-quotes-2191Congratulation, you have decided to bring it up a notch and run your first 10K. You might be wondering where you are going to start and what you need to do. Below is a fun, 8 week training plan that will help you prepare for a successful, stress free race. In anticipation of Preachtree Road Race, we will be offering an expanded edition of this training plan starting on May 1st. The expanded program will include 8 weeks of cross training workouts, stretching guide, and a meal plan.

10K or 6.2 miles is a fun distance to run. You have successfully graduated up from 5K and moved on to the next level. It is easier and takes less time to prepare for than a half marathon, with manageable training hours, and you can still go out dancing after the race.

Before you start training for your 10K race, you should get a full workup from your doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough for this kind of activity. You should have a reasonably good level of physical fitness and should have done some sort of running / walking in the past. If you are new to running, I would suggest starting at a 5K level. There are plenty of programs and apps available to train you for your very first 5K race.

How This Program Works:

Cross Training (CT): Simply put cross training can be anything that isn’t running. It can be swimming, cycling, walking, and weight training or any other form of aerobic activity. However, recent research has shown that runners benefit more from weight training and exercises that builds underactive core muscles than from any other form of cross training. My recommendation is combining weight training and other forms of cardio for a complete, well rounded workout.

For example, you could do 15 minutes of intervals on a stationary bike at the beginning of your workout, 20 minutes of weight training, 15 minutes of intervals on a stationary bike, and 5 minutes of stretching as your cross training.

For a list of cross training workouts, check back on May 1st for an expanded 10 K prep guide.

Running: This part is fairly simple – go run. It is preferable to train on the same surface as the race, so go outside and hit the pavement (or a trail if you are doing a trail run). If the weather doesn’t allow you to do so, set your treadmill incline to 1.5 -2.0 for your running workouts.

You should be able to run at a comfortable pace that allows you to carry on a conversation. If you find yourself unable to talk, or only talk in short phrases, you are running too fast.

Rest: Rest is extremely important. On rest days you should take it easy, give your muscles a chance to recover and rebuild.

Long Run: This is the longest run of the week. Typically a long run is done at a slow pace.

Walking: Walking is so underrated! In this 8 week training plan, I have a walk scheduled for Friday (the day before your long run). A walk will keep your muscles active with less stress. It is a great way to recuperate from the week of training before your long run. Feel free to walk at any point during your runs too! No one cares if you run the whole race (unless that is your goal). If you are tired and you know you can’t push through, walk!

Below is an 8 weeks training schedule. Feel free to modify it to fit your life, this is merely a guide to help you get started. If you would like a personalized, custom training guide, don’t hesitate to contact me. I would be honored to help you reach your 10 K training goals.

8 Week 10K Training Schedule:

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 CT 1 M CT 1 M Walk 2 M Rest
2 CT 1.5 M CT 1.5 M Walk 3 M Rest
3 CT 2 M CT 2 M Walk 4 M Rest
4 CT 2.5 M CT 2.5 M Walk 5 M Rest
5 CT 1.5 M CT 1.5 M Walk 3 M Rest
6 CT 3 M CT 3 M Walk 6 M Rest
7 CT 3.5 M CT 3.5 M Walk 7 M Rest
8 CT 3 M EZ CT Stretch Walk RACE Rest



Diet is extremely important when prepping for a race. You don’t want to get to the start line and realize that you are 10 pounds heavier than when you started your training. You also need to eat for your goals. That means eating strategically to optimize your performance.

Eating whole grains and complex carbohydrates will help you maintain steady energy in your workouts as well as on race day. Protein will help with recovery and building up muscles necessary for a successful run. Proper water intake is essential to keep your body functioning properly.

Going on a low calorie, low carb diet is not the best choice when running a 10 K is the goal. You need to be eating smarter, not less. Try swapping out processed foods for whole foods, decrease your fat intake, and make sure that every meal is well balanced. That means that you should eat a complete lean protein (such as chicken, fish, eggs, or lean red meat) and complex carbohydrates (whole grains, squash varieties, sweet potatoes, and cruciferous veggies) with every meal. The longer the distance, the higher amount of carbs you will need in your diet.

The jury is still out on the optimal amount of carbohydrates that a distance athlete needs to ingest to optimize their performance. For more details on nutrition, meal planning, and a sample menu check back on May 1st for our extended edition of the 10 K training plan.

Fierce Workout: Cry on My Shoulder

Warm weather is right around the corner and that means sleeveless shirts and exposed shoulders and arms. Who wouldn’t want to have some nice, sexy definition? This weeks no gym required workout is all about shoulders. All you will need is a set of tension (resistance) bands.

The How To:

Tension (resistance) Band Shoulder Press:

Stand on the tension band with one of your feet until you feel appropriate (challenging) tension with your hands over your shoulders and  elbows bent. Holding the tension band handles, palms out, push the handles up until your arms are almost fully extended (keep your elbow soft), then bring your hands slowly to the starting position.

Tension (resistance) Band Internal Shoulder Rotation:

Wrap the tension band around a post, tree, bedpost, or anything else that is sturdy and will hold tension well at about your waist level. With the tension band at your side, grab the handle with the hand closest to the band. Keep your upper arm pressed tightly against your body with the elbow bent at a 90 degree angle. Pull the handle in towards your abdomen and slowly return it back to the starting position. Make sure that you are using appropriate tension for this exercise.

Tension (resistance) Band External Shoulder Rotation:

Wrap the tension band around a post, tree, bedpost, or anything else that is sturdy and will hold tension well at about your waist level. With the tension band at your side, grab the handle with the hand furthest away from the band. Keep your upper arm pressed tightly against your body with the elbow bent at a 90 degree angle. Pull the handle out across your body away from your abdomen and slowly return it back to the starting position. Make sure that you are using appropriate tension for this exercise.

Tension (resistance) Band Front Deltoid Raise:

Wrap the tension (resistance) band around a post, tree, bedpost, or anything else that is sturdy and will hold tension well. Hold the tension band handels with your arms in front of you, palms facing down. Pull the tension band up until your arms are parallel to the floor, then slowly return to the starting position. Remember to maintain appropriate, challenging tension on your resistance bands!

Tension (resistance) Band Lateral Deltoid Raise:

Stand on the tension band with your legs apart until you feel appropriate (challenging) tension with your arms straight down. Holding the tension band handles with your arms on either side of your body, palms in, pull the handles out and up until your arms are parallel to the floor. Slowly return to the starting position.


I’d love to her what you thought about this workout in the comments below or on our Facebook!



Fierce Workout: Fierce Fit

This week is all about endurance and seeing what you are made of.  Do this workout as fast as possible, with proper form for 30 minutes. Make sure that you are keeping track of how many rounds you have completed, write the number down. I do this workout at least once a month to see if I can beat my score every time. Enjoy!


3 Quick and Healthy Valentine’s Day Desserts

One of the most romantic and delicious holidays is upon us, but don’t let it be an excuse to eat junk! There are a few treats and special gifts you can choose that won’t add to your calorie quota. Stop being dirty, I’m talking about strawberries, light cool whip, and semi-sweet chocolate! Well, ok, you might get a little dirty making these treats, but you’ll love every minute of it.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Chocolate_strawberryToday I was out at the mall. I was blown away at the prices that the gourmet shops wanted for their chocolate and chocolate covered strawberries. The worst part is there is no way to know whether the fruit is really organic, properly cleaned, what kind of chocolate they used, what is the fat percentage of the chocolate etc. Basically, you might be buying something that you think is a healthier option for your loved one (or for yourself) and end up with low quality junk. I say, don’t fall into the trap of gourmet chocolate industry! Make the treats yourself. You will save a ton of money and the rewards will be so much sweeter. Here’s how:



12 large Strawberries (leaves still attached, cleaned and dried well)
12 oz. Semi- Sweet Chocolate


Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

In order to melt your chocolate you’ll need a heat proof bowl and a pot filled with water. Make sure that the bowl that you chose is just large enough to rest on the sides of the pot with the bottom slightly touching the water in the pot. Bring the water in the pot to a simmer, put the chocolate in the bowl that is resting on top of the pot and stir occasionally until the chocolate is melted. This usually takes a few minutes after the water heats up. Once the chocolate is melted, cut the heat and begin dipping your strawberries in the melted chocolate.

Set the strawberries on the parchment lined cookie sheet and set it into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes or until the chocolate coating is mat and solid.

Spicy Orange Chocolate Apples

Chocolate_ApplesCraving something spicy, sweet, and unexpected? Do you absolutely love food on a stick? No problem! Here’s what you will need:


1 Granny Smith Apple (cut into 8 slices, skewered)
1/4 tsp of Cayenne Pepper
1tsp Orange zest
8 oz. Melted Semi-Sweet Chocolate


Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Using the double boiler method described in the recipe above, melt your chocolate. Once the chocolate is melted, add cayenne pepper and orange zest. Mix until well incorporated. Dip your skewered apple slices into the chocolate and set on a parchment lined cookie sheet. At this point you can dip the apple slices into crushed nuts, crushed mint candies, or crushed hard caramels for an extra punch of flavor. Just remember, any sugary additions that you choose will bump up the calorie count.

Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or until the chocolate coating is mat and solid.

Strawberries and Cream

This has to be on of my favorite recipes of all time! It is so satisfying and in a pinch will take your mind off of ice cream. Here’s what you do:


4 oz. Lite Cool Whip
4 strawberries (diced)


Combine the lite cool whip and the diced strawberries in a small bowl. Freeze. Enjoy!  You can also use this recipe to make ice cream sandwiches. Just take two caramel rice cakes, put the filling in between, make a sandwich and freeze. In no time you will have a delicious, healthier alternative to regular ice cream sandwiches.

Now, I don’t recommend eating these treats all day every day, but when it comes to special occasions, holidays, and post workout treats, why not opt for something delicious, clen and satisfying especially if it is fairly easy to make?


Happy Valentine’s Day, guys and gals! May your holiday be as sweet as the feeling of accomplishment and achievement you get when you conquer your next set of goals.

Fierce Workout: The Extinction

This is another AMRAP workout that is guaranteed to get your heart rate up and burn a bunch of calories. Although this is not one of the “no special equipment required” workouts, you can still use some of the household objects to get this one done. For example, if you do not have access to a kettle bell a gallon jug filled with water can be great substitute. You can use a park bench or a high curb to do your box jumps. Sometimes improvising is what keeps the workout fun and fresh. 🙂  Remember to use good form on your kettle bell swings!


Fierce Workout: Sweating Bullets

This another Holiday travel friendly workout of the week. This week we will be using tension bands. You should be able to complete this workout in 30 minutes.

The How To:

Tension Band Squats:

Stand on the tension band with your hands by your shoulders in the squat position. Pretend that you are holding a barbell on your shoulders and you are about to do barbell squats. Your tension band should be appropriately tense. Now, stand up with your hands by your shoulders as you would while performing a barbell squat.

Tension Band Curls:

Stand on the tension band with your legs apart until you feel appropriate (challenging) tension with your arms straight down. Holding the tension band handles, palms out, curl up as you would with a dumbbell curl.

Tension Band Sit-ups:

Wrap the tension band around a post, tree, bedpost, or anything else that is sturdy and will hold tension well. Position yourself on the floor / ground facing away from the post. Holding your hands by your head with an appropriate (challenging) amount of tension on the band, perform sit-ups.


Try to rest only after you have completed a circuit. Push hard, dig deep, and remember it is a short workout designed to burn a lot of calories. After you finish, make sure that you stretch, use a roller if one is available, and drink lots of water. Have fun and let me know what you think!

Fierce Workout: Torch the Turkey

I’d like to invite you to take a moment and think about all of the things that you are grateful for today. Think about how far along you have come, how much progress you have made. Be thankful for your body, your strength, your determination. Celebrate your commitment and your success in spite of the busy schedule, family obligation, stress at work, and millions of other things that get in the way.

Now that you have thought about how awesome you are, it is time to proactively burn off that Thanksgiving meal you are going to consume in a few hours.

Here’s the deal: this is short and sweet and to the point HIIT workout. After you do your warm up, do each of the following exercises for 50 seconds without rest between sets, then rest 20 seconds and do the circuit again for 40 seconds, then rest 20 seconds, etc. until you get to 10 seconds. Your workout should look something like this:

50 seconds Push-ups
50 seconds High Knees
50 seconds Burpees
50 seconds Jumping Jacks

Rest 20 Seconds

40 seconds Push-ups
40 seconds High Knees

Do not stop between sets, push hard and dig deep. It will be hard, but you can do it!

After you finish your last circuit, stretch, hydrate, and go eat lots of turkey (white meat, of course).

Quick Warm-up: 10 Toy Soldiers, 10 Knee to Elbow, 10 Toe Touch Kick and Squat, 20 Line Jumps


Fierce Workout: Fit in 400

Chances are you are going to be away from your gym / workout equipment this Holiday season due to travel and family obligations. Does your workout have to suffer because that? No! This week, I have devised a fun, fast paced way for you to burn off the Holiday treats at the track.


Fierce Workout: Spring to Action

The weather has been getting cooler and I have been spending more and more time outside. If you are tired of the stuffy gym and are ready to enjoy this beautiful fall weather before the rains drive us back inside, here’s a short and sweet, calorie burning, cardio exhilarating treat that can be done anywhere!


Remember, do what you can, take breaks when needed, and make sure that you are well hydrated before, during, and after exercise.

Fierce Workout: The Road Runner

It is no secret that the key to a successful, injury free running season starts with training all those areas that generally go neglected during the run because our body prefers to rely on larger muscle groups to do most of the work. This imbalance could lead to improper biomechanics and subsequently annoying injuries that derail our progress and potentially take a mental toll. Below is a workout that is designed to target muscle groups in both upper and lower body for proper balance.


Depending on your ability, I would recommend doing this workout AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) for 35-40 with a proper warmup and cool down periods. If you are feeling especially great, workout on the track and add a sprint at the end of each round. Alternatively, you could also add weight to the lunges, squats, and step-ups. Be sure that you are ready before you modify your workout. After all, you are training to prevent running injury not to get hurt during your workout and end up missing all the running fun. Have fun, be safe, and let me know what you think!